Archive for 'personal'

Saw the Honeycutters at Shakori, and they’ve been on heavy rotation ever since.  I think they sound like a cross between the Everybodyfields and Tift Merritt.  Nice songwriting too.

Cheater’s Garden:  buy expensive plants at Home Depot, throw them in some dirt, hope that Tim remembers to water them while I’m gone, hope that dogs don’t tear them up or kill them by peeing on them too much… and maybe, just maybe… get lucky enough to have some fresh tomato and basil sandwiches later this summer 😉

I may have cheated this year, but hey- it looks really pretty!

this weekend was so perfect!  this was my last weekend without a wedding for a loong time.  i spent it working in the garden (one of my favorite hobbies), around the fire pit with good friends, grilling out, meeting new babies and visiting friends.

i made ryder a fun little play area while working in the garden.  i filled up a big bowl with flour for him to play in.  he loved it!

he also helped me dig in the dirt and water the plants.  we had to strip him down before we could go into the house.  here he is sorting the seeds.  this is my seed box, not very cute, but keeps things organized!

liza had a great weekend too.  her friend gave her a make over, a pedicure, and a foot massage.  she felt oh so glam afterwards!

after being such a diva, liza had to max and relax on the hammock.

back to the rat race tomorrow!

one of my best friends in the world had her baby this morning!  good thing we were able to get together for a few belly shots before the big day.

congrats, manuela + david!

and i could not resist sneaking a few shots of liza and ryder in their easter digs into this post.  : )

can you tell who is my most willing model these days?  liza runs when she sees the camera!

i can’t decide which one of these to print.  i like the first one so much, but they are both looking off to the left at their poppy.  the second one is cute, but i do not love eliza’s hand.  what do you think?

brad and eliza went with me when i went to up to wintergreen to shoot the griffin family.  we had a fun little road trip.  we went to the devil’s backbone for dinner, went swimming  in the indoor pool, stayed up late and ate popcorn in bed, went to eat lunch at a tiny little country store and went sledding and tubing, all in about 24 hours!

As photographers, we spend a lot of time behind the computer- it is our constant companion!  If I’m not shooting, you will find me here most days…. working on images, designing albums, talking to the dogs, and when I’m procrastinating……. reading blogs.  I’ve cut way back on the number of photo + wedding related blogs that I look at but I do have a number of other blogs that I really love….. here are some of my favs:

The Simple Dollar

Zen Habits

Simple Mom

Simple Marriage

The Art of Non-Conformity

The Pioneer Woman

Design Sponge


SF Girl By Bay

Decor 8

What are your favorites?

I will not be sad to see you go.  Bring on the sunshine and flip flops!