one of my best friends in the world had her baby this morning!  good thing we were able to get together for a few belly shots before the big day.

congrats, manuela + david!

and i could not resist sneaking a few shots of liza and ryder in their easter digs into this post.  : )

can you tell who is my most willing model these days?  liza runs when she sees the camera!

i can’t decide which one of these to print.  i like the first one so much, but they are both looking off to the left at their poppy.  the second one is cute, but i do not love eliza’s hand.  what do you think?

  • I vote for number one! I think it’s cute that they are looking off into the distance. Also, with the second, it sort of looks like Eliza’s missing a leg. 🙂

  • I *love* them both, but my vote would be for #2. I didn’t even notice the hand. Their expressions are so cute and they look so happy! I love the ones on the pier too. I have tried similar ones, but my kiddo always crawled right for the water.

  • So cute! Love the belly shots, and I can’t believe how big Ryder’s gotten! I vote #2 — such perfect carefree expressions. They look like they’re just havin a great time being their goofy little selves.

  • #2, they do look so happy and giggly…my favorite thing to capture!

  • i absolutely would print the first one with them looking away. i personally like the angle of the door better as well. very cute. 🙂

  • Tough decision. After looking at them over & over, I choose #2.