this has been the year of boys at whitebox.  meet the biggs family.  yet another great family full of boys and their sweet mamma!

paintball anyone?

this boy has a bit of a shoe fetish!  the funniest thing about this photo is that his brother is laying in the background in his camo.  you can’t even see him!

don’t mess with team biggs when it comes to paintball.  these boys mean business!

  • Elizabeth Stuart

    Trish Naylor gave me your info. I have twin boys leaving for college in August and we want family pics. before they leave. Can you send me more information about your services? I can be reached at 336-644-8894. I look forward to hearing from you. Your pictures are great. I take a lot of action shots for NWHS but I am not a portrait photographer…. 🙂

    Elizabeth Stuart