Posts Tagged 'greensboro portrait photographers'

this kid could light up a small county with her smile.  she is a little powerhouse of sunshine.  : )

meet the wonderful snowden family!  two sessions, two fabulous looks, and two fun locations.


way back in january i TRIED to do a little photoshoot with the kids for their valentines day cards.  i think they thought it was pretty fun and funny, but i was not amused…..

this photo sets the mood for the shoot.

i managed to get a couple cute shots, but this “session” demonstrates exactly why i get other photographers to photograph my kids!

eliza was totally in to the shoot and being a “model”.  ryder, on the other hand, was totally in to being 2!

hello, my name is ryder and i am very good at being 2.

this one is cute, but i actually prefer the shot below with ryder demonstrating his growling skills.

i fell in love with the flowering trees and bushes in the park for this shoot and milo’s sweet little personality.  look at this face….serious cuteness going on here!


halle and silas were my first set of newborn twins that i have photographed!  they are so sweet and so tiny.  : )

leyna + silas

leyna + halle

i love this protective big sister look on leyna’s face!



the whole family!

big sister showing her tricks.  : )

two babies need two grandma’s to come and help take care of them!  grandma number one.

grandma number two.

kolbie was the perfect newborn on her debut shoot.  she slept through her entire photo shoot and let me put her in all kinds of cute newborn poses.  : )

love this sisters shot!  so sweet.

even though this shoot was all about kolbie who could resist snapping a few shots of these cute kids?

spring temperatures are here and claire is like a ray of sunshine.  : )

there are no words….this girl is just pure gorgeousness!

curls and cuteness overload!  madison is totally adorable and one of the most fashionable little kids i have ever seen.  not to mention she is a tough cookie.  she smiled right through the rain at 45 degrees!


this family has talent:  soccer stars, a cellist, a martial arts specialist, a violinist, brains, beauty  and the list goes on and on!