Posts Tagged 'greensboro portrait photographers'

have been photographing this little beauty for a few years. she has really come into her own since our last shoot. it is beautiful to see this little girl blossom into a strong, funny and confident tween on our shoot for her modeling comp card with directions usa.

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this is the 7th year i have photographed this beautiful family.  it is such a pleasure to see the girls each year and to see what they are interested in this year and how they have changed.  the “baby” is now in first grade and the oldest is making the turn from little girl to tween.  at the end of the shoot i took the girls for ice cream and we got to hang out for a bit.  these kids have become part of my life after watching them grow into lovely young ladies over the past 7 years!

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briley is so full of life and fun and excitement for her next big move to middle school. i love, love, love the idea of a special photo session to commemorate the move to middle school! parents invest in professional photos when the kids are little and then sometimes it falls off until their senior year. the tween years sometimes get lost in shuffle. having an 11 year old myself i understand what a big deal it is to go to middle school in the eyes of the kid.








madelyn is the baby in a family of 8 children!  i think it is so sweet that her mom and dad wanted this special solo portrait session for their tiniest and last baby to celebrate her first birthday.








conner was styling for his shoot!  he had the cutest little giggle and sweetest smile.

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you gotta love a 10 year old sweet looking little girl who can also rock out on her very own electric guitar!

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i love the way these two sisters love each other!  being a mom of kids that are 5 years apart i have a great appreciation of how close these girls are and how sweet they are together.

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6-8 months is one of my most favorite ages to photograph.  when babies can sit up and have a little independence for the first time it is so fun to see the excitement in their eyes.  carson is such a happy little babe.  she had me giggling throughout our shoot with her big gummy smiles!

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this little girl is sweet and soft spoken.  i love how her sweetness shines through in her eyes.








