Posts Tagged 'greensboro portrait photographers'

I had a great time working with these spunky sisters- I even got to meet their pet worm!

Cheater’s Garden:  buy expensive plants at Home Depot, throw them in some dirt, hope that Tim remembers to water them while I’m gone, hope that dogs don’t tear them up or kill them by peeing on them too much… and maybe, just maybe… get lucky enough to have some fresh tomato and basil sandwiches later this summer 😉

I may have cheated this year, but hey- it looks really pretty!

Ridiculously gorgeous children!

more sneak peeks!

emma + paul

baby london

in the flurry of shooting, processing and ordering of christmas photos we did not get the chance to blog a few super fun shoots.  here is a mega blog post of some of our favorite photos that are just now getting the blog love that they deserve!

here is a little peek at the newest member of my (sara) extended clan.

sweet baby

sad baby.  his mom says he looks like a shar pei in this shot!  i think it is hilarious!

welcome to the family kolton!