last years birthdays were pretty exciting.  ryder arrived 2 and half weeks early which wound up being three days before his sisters big number 5 party.  we could not have her first interaction with her brother be a bad one, so we decided to have the party with about 50 guests at our house with a 3 day old!  this year was the complete opposite.  unfortunately, eliza got strep throat as one of her birthday presents.  we had to cancel with the kid guests and have a small party with just the grand parents.  actually, it was really nice!  the kids were the center of attention and there were plenty of presents to open….this might lead to a trend.  small birthday parties are so much easier and enjoyable for the parents!

ryder enjoyed his first taste of cake!

liza with grandaddy and the tree that he planted on her first birthday.  liza loves this tree.  one day last winter i was looking for one of my really nice winter dress scarves and i could not find it anywhere.  i looked outside and eliza had wrapped it around her tree “to keep it warm”!

liza was very excited to get a violin for her birthday.  since she was 4 it has been her “dream to play violin”.

happy birthday to my sweet rays of sunshine!!