i love logan’s red curls and sweet smile!

whitebox photo photographer sara brennan-harrell photographs logan downtown greensboro.  whitebox photo specialzes in fun and lifestyle children's portraits

whitebox photo photographer sara brennan-harrell photographs logan downtown greensboro.  whitebox photo specialzes in fun and lifestyle children's portraits

whitebox photo photographer sara brennan-harrell photographs logan downtown greensboro.  whitebox photo specialzes in fun and lifestyle children's portraits

whitebox photo photographer sara brennan-harrell photographs logan downtown greensboro.  whitebox photo specialzes in fun and lifestyle children's portraits

whitebox photo photographer sara brennan-harrell photographs logan downtown greensboro.  whitebox photo specialzes in fun and lifestyle children's portraits

whitebox photo photographer sara brennan-harrell photographs logan downtown greensboro.  whitebox photo specialzes in fun and lifestyle children's portraits

whitebox photo photographer sara brennan-harrell photographs logan downtown greensboro.  whitebox photo specialzes in fun and lifestyle children's portraits

whitebox photo photographer sara brennan-harrell photographs logan downtown greensboro.  whitebox photo specialzes in fun and lifestyle children's portraits

whitebox photo photographer sara brennan-harrell photographs logan downtown greensboro.  whitebox photo specialzes in fun and lifestyle children's portraits

whitebox photo photographer sara brennan-harrell photographs logan downtown greensboro.  whitebox photo specialzes in fun and lifestyle children's portraits

whitebox photo photographer sara brennan-harrell photographs logan downtown greensboro.  whitebox photo specialzes in fun and lifestyle children's portraits